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Sunday, February 17, 2008
9:37 PM YEAH! everybody. i love BDS pass on! =] happyhappy u know, getting to meet my old buddies again. they are the most fun ppl to be with forever la. xD yesterday, jiahui, ruiqi, waiteng and janice and me met up. and the first two ppl that arrived were ruiqi and jiahui. and they both wore lil miss shirts and ruiqi bought her juicycouture wallet (bought from china) and wore black heels and wanted to trick me with her height la! and ruiqi gave me a small cute makeup set called pop princess (mabelline) i tot she so good buy for me, but it was actually her mum got the freegifts, then got extra, she giv me. hahas! anyway thanks la, i love it. bahaha. waiteng came along soon and then we went to tm . and she said that ghaz didnt realised i transfer school until recently.. hahas. lols. and he keep saying me and JC.. no link la.. slap ghaz. haha, now i another sch, he cant do anything to me. bahaha. wt say xh in tm singtel den we go find her but cant find. then called actually she go home liao la. den i tot she trick us. but actually we were too late le la. but i really wanted to see her again la. nvm nxt time can? =] ohya. janice wanted eat lunch at home first so she later then come. meanwhile we walked around and go buy tickets (kungfudunk) den go foodcourt eat. jiahui and waiteng ate milo icekacang(sth like tat la) den ruiqi ate japanese food, and i ate laksa( which was not very nice) then we chatted. chatted. i called janice and tell her quickly come and say the movie starts at 3pm. hahas, then she told me that she really got run. woah. sorry la, but nxt time come earlier la K? =] den go watch the movie. wahsia, it was so horrible! no meaning la. even bunengshuodemimi betterbetterbetter. only use jaychou to attract ppl. and even my baba say that the sale of the tix is the worst.. worst than ahlong show. woah. sorry janice actually shld watch ahlong hor.. aiya nvm then we went to look for my cosmetics. and i bought everything $70 over plus liao lor. so ex~ ahh. missed bds friends and heard a lot of them. you all would be in my heart forever dehh. and nxtnxt wk going to watch deathnote and celebrate jiahui bdae later one day. and tis time hope xh and eunice can come. actually i hope more ppl can come la. like jc.. lols. Saturday, February 16, 2008
9:22 AM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() you know, i just cant forget BDS~ and at my sitting place i so kelian. so boring, nobody actually talks to me. >.<> but really, i seriously feel so lonely. and i feel like crying la. i just feel that the old esther is gone.. hais. and somemore the sitting arrangement is single row one, so i cant really talk to each other during class. sian. yesterday was total defence day, and i really think the sch is crazy cos they enforce the rule that on that day must not on the electricity and the toliet tap no water.. so we use the 1st cubicle water lor. but apart from the classrooms, the toliet lights can be on la, so is the staffroom. hmm. then the teachers teach in darkness thruout the whole day. then the canteen is closed and in the morning they check our bag to ensure no food and water. then they confiscate the items then after school give back. i didnt bring waterbottle, and b4 i came out of my hse, i drink abt 2 cups of water.. kiasu me. =] after school had a choir performance at standrew's hospital. perform to oldold people.. quite cute la. but this choir is not that good compared to bds.. hahas, then we forgot lotsa of lyrics lor, cos we just learn finish ytd dehs. but luckily is perform to laolao ren, cos they still would clap. bahaha. they seem so happy. and this school every student has to at least complete 20 hrs of cip. so this was included too. but i prefer my new school's choir gown, it is purple and it look quite erm.. i dunno. nice? actually i rather not join any CCA lor, cos i think my lastime CCA points are still secured bah.. this school's is special lor, cos when u step in to the sch, you can feel a feeling.. i dunno wat la. but yeah. then alot of girls would give cards and roses to their own girl friends. and i dunno abt boys la ( they should be giving in secret la~) but yea, i got one pathetic card only, from my closefriend. nvm, i 4give them , since i am still new.. sniff. and i failed ALL maths test.. getting freaking low results everytime. like 2, 4 out of 10.. roars. and tis time was careless mistake. haiz. watch thi video: kangxilai le. they are critizing sg english!! walao Sunday, February 10, 2008
7:06 PM HAPPY CNY! =] oh great la, i just spent my cny holidays relaxing and i havent complete my cny homework. haiz. sad, and in 2 more wks, my common tests are coming.. and i am gonna fail again.. arghs :( just went back to hometown: tampines!! TM and CS.. really missed TM and CS, especially now when CS has SO MANY chio clothes. ahh. and expensive too la. like $30 plus.. and i want to buy mondo heels and some clothes from the box. bought frh gaiban.. and saw tang tang book, but dont feel like buying. nxt time bah. and xiangxiang gaiban also haven buy.. T.T aiya, actually i dont really care much la. i just want my pretty closet now. yeah. and i bought some eyeliner from watsons just bcos they stated that it was a best seller in japan. lols. nxt i am gonna buy mascara! yeah . diaos. =.= slap myself. forget about hair extensions cos i love my hair. and yeah report abt CNY. walao, tis year i suddenly realised that cny is so boring. and i ate steamboat 3 days straight~ faint~ :< and my relatives very bad lor, every year angbao money more and more pathetic, just when singapore now economy quite good, and my angbao stastics are dropping like mad!! guess how much la. i count one side only la, cos my mother side give me malaysia money. okay, how abt my baba side? $60 plus!!! can u all believe it.. last yr $90 plus lehh. i tot it would be better. and no.fine. and my parents never give me angbao lors. and my ahma gave me $4 with some cadbury chocolate. -.- and one aunty forget to give me and my brothers angbao.. wah. then one aunty nv come. fine la. and everyone give pathetically little! they can give $4 only lor.. haiz. up to now i nv find anyone lesser thaan me yet. everytime i ask ppl, their angbao money can a few 100 deh. haiz. loser life. nvm. so? must study hard. |
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